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What is consent?


Mutually Understood 

Internal Communication 

Continuously Freely Given 

Enthusiastic YES


Mutually understood means that all parties involved know what's happening, whether it's if someone can have a fry or in a sexual situation. Everyone should be on the same page and respect how far others want to go.


Internal communication means that individuals know their own boundaries, what they want, and what they don't want.


Continuously and freely given means that all parties are checking in with each other and respecting everyone's right to change their minds, no matter what is planned. Consent isn’t a one and done, its continuous and ongoing. Freely given means all parties have to have the ability to voluntarily give consent (this means drunk sex is not consensual sex).


Enthusiastic yes means that all parties are not saying things like, "uh sure, I guess..." or just reluctantly nodding, all parties are enthusiastically saying yes and expressing their consent and want to proceed. 


Basically, CONTINUOUS and OPEN communication is vital for consent.


And the default is no unless an enthusiastic yes is given


Consent is mutually understood, involves internal communication, is continuously and freely given, and involves enthusiastic yeses


It is important to stick to what someone sets as their boundaries. No matter what kind of physical touch is happening everyone has the right to be uncomfortable and you must respect those boundaries. Consent matters. 


Not feeling MICE?

What is consent?: Service
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