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You are called a survivor for a reason. After all the pain you have been through: you survive. Through the moments of feeling strong and the ones of hurting: you survive. Whatever this path looks like for you, take your time and be kind to yourself. None of these emotions are supposed to make sense because what happened to you doesn't make sense. Sexual violence is morally wrong. And no matter the details of your experience, your story is valid and your emotions are valid. We are here to support you in your healing process. Our community at Piedmont for Consent has a Survivors and Allies group where you can share your thoughts and stories or listen to others. We need each other to lean on. Because nobody said you have to survive alone.

Survivors: About Us

Starting Conversations

Opening up to people can be scary and vulnerable. Choosing someone who you trust and know well can be helpful, but also, some people are more comfortable talking to someone they don't know that well.

Survivors: Text

Options for people to talk to/ places to get support

Survivors: List

Bay Area Women Against Rape

Founded in 1971, BAWAR was the first rape crisis center in the country. It was founded with the two-part goal of establishing a place where survivors of sexual violence could receive the quality counseling and advocacy they need, and to provide community education around these issues.
Although our name is Bay Area Women Against Rape, we serve anyone affected by sexual violence. BAWAR defines sexual violence by the narratives of the survivors who experienced the violence. We are here to believe and validate the community we serve in a trauma-informed, culturally appropriate and accessible way.

Survivors: Text

Trusted people in your life

If this is an option for you, we highly suggest you consider reaching out to your support system. They are there for you.

However, this is not always an option for everyone. There are plenty of other resources available.

Survivors: Text


Hotlines can be a great place if you would like support anonymously.

Survivors: Text

Support Groups

Survivor Support and Allies Group

Weekly and online. Monday's 2:15-3:15. Created by P4C.

List of Rape Crisis Centers in the Bay Area

Many different options listed and available.

Male Specific Support Group

Weekly and online. Multiple groups offered (Mon-Fri). Facilitated by a Counselor.

Female and Nonbinary Specific Support Group

Weekly and online. Mondays from 6 PM – 7 PM

Survivors: Programs

The Survivor Support and Allies Group Buddy System

Through SSAG there is an option for survivors to participate in a buddy system. Survivors can be paired with buddy who will be there for them to talk, help them get connected to resources, or just offer general support.

Survivors: Text

How to Report

If it's something you're interested in doing.

Survivors: Text
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