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If you need help right now

Rape and sexual assault are horrific, terrible, and traumatic events. Many survivors feel a wide range of emotions and are often left in shock and thus unable to act immediately. That is completely valid. 


P4C wants to help you in whatever way we can. You are so strong.


None of this not your fault and you are not responsible for any of the things that are happening to you or what you are feeling. You can prepare yourself for bad situations, but you, yourself, are not responsible for them happening. 

If you need help right now: About Us

If you have been raped or sexually assault recently please try to:

  • Get somewhere safe

    • Is this a friend's house? A family member's? Your own? Just out of the place of incident and surrounding area? 

  • Talk to someone you trust (see below for more)


And please do not blame yourself. What happened is not your fault, and it never will be.

If you need help right now: Text

Who can you talk to?

If you are in danger and/or in need of immediate medical care, please call 911.

However, if you feel uncomfortable doing so or are not in danger and/or in need of immediate care, you should call hotlines or any trusted people (friends, family, etc. We do recommend getting a trusted adult involved if you are a minor).

If you need help right now: Text

If you're considering reporting

This can be hard to think about, but doing these things will help to preserve evidence.

Try to avoid:

  • showering

  • brushing your teeth

  • eating or drinking

  • changing or washing your clothes, or if you do change, place all the clothes you were wearing during the incident into a plastic bag


You might have already done some of these things, these can be our first instincts, but don't worry, there may still be evidence to collect within the "forensic window" (up to seven days). 


Whether or not you report is completely up to you. To learn more about what reporting would mean and how to do it, you can call hotlines or check out our page on reporting.

If you need help right now: Text

Also, if you are a survivor of non-recent sexual assault, you can still report and find support. Talking or thinking about the incident after it occurred, even for years, can be incredibly hard and we commend your strength and bravery, you can do this.

Some survivors don't realize they have been assaulted until later. If you wish to report or find support, you also have the same resources available. 

If you need help right now: Text
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